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How to maintain personal hygiene?
Manal Saleh نوفمبر 08, 2023 305

How to maintain personal hygiene?

How to maintain personal hygiene?!

Personal hygiene is a very important habit for maintaining body health and preventing diseases and infections. Personal hygiene should include a daily and weekly routine. In this article, I will present you with some important ways of personal hygiene and its importance in maintaining health and its impact.

Daily personal hygiene

There are several habits that should be adhered to daily in order to keep the body clean and protected from dust or infection from anywhere. These habits are:

Washing hands

Hands should be washed regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This helps to get rid of germs and bacteria that may be on the hands, which can cause infection.

Daily shower

It is recommended to clean the body with warm water and use soap or products suitable for the skin type. Daily showering helps to remove dirt, impurities, and sweat, and also helps to maintain skin freshness.

Hair and nail care

Hair should be washed regularly with a suitable shampoo and dried thoroughly. Nails should also be trimmed regularly and cleaned to prevent accumulation of dirt and bacteria.

Oral and dental care

It is recommended to brush your teeth with a suitable toothbrush and toothpaste for at least two minutes twice a day. You should also use dental floss and mouthwash to maintain oral and dental health and remove debris stuck between the teeth.

Weekly personal hygiene

Changing clothes

It is recommended to change your underwear and outerwear daily to maintain cleanliness, get rid of unwanted odors, and prevent bacteria from accumulating.

Hair and scalp care

Hair should be washed with the appropriate shampoo twice a week or as needed by the scalp. You should also use masks and oils to nourish, moisturize, and protect your hair.

Skin care

You can use cleansers, scrubs, and facial masks to remove dead cells and improve the appearance of the skin. It is also recommended to moisturize the skin after showering with a moisturizer suitable for the skin type.

Impact of personal hygiene on health

Maintaining personal hygiene plays a crucial role in maintaining body health and preventing diseases. Here are some of the positive impacts of personal hygiene on health:

Preventing the spread of infection

Thanks to hand washing and daily showering, germs and bacteria that can cause infection are eliminated. This reduces the risk of contracting infectious diseases such as colds and flu.

Maintaining skin cleanliness

By cleaning the body regularly, dirt and impurities that may clog pores and cause skin problems such as acne and irritation are removed.

Preventing skin diseases

Taking care of hair and nails can help reduce scalp problems such as dandruff and hair breakage. It can also help prevent inflammation and infection in the nails.

Preventing dental problems

Brushing your teeth and good oral care can help maintain the health of your teeth and gums and prevent problems such as tooth decay and gum disease.

The daily and weekly personal hygiene routine is essential for maintaining body health and preventing diseases. Commitment to personal hygiene should be an integral part of our daily lives.

Risks you can avoid because of your cleanliness

Alot of risks you can avoid by cleanliness and following a personal hygiene routine. These are some of them:

Skin infections

By taking care of personal hygiene and washing your body regularly, you can remove dirt and germs that can cause skin infections such as scabies, lice, and fungi. You can also do this by avoiding sharing personal items with others to limit the spread of these infections.

Urinary tract infections

By practicing personal hygiene correctly, including cleaning the vaginal area and external genitalia well, you can reduce the risk of urinary tract infections. This is because removing bacteria and dirt helps prevent this common problem.

Infectious diseases

Good personal hygiene plays an important role in preventing infectious diseases such as diarrhea and food poisoning by washing your hands regularly before preparing or eating food. This removes germs that can be transmitted through the mouth and cause these diseases.

Oral diseases

By taking care of oral hygiene, you can avoid many oral diseases such as tooth decay, gum irritation, and bad breath. By brushing your teeth regularly and using dental floss and mouthwash, you can help keep your mouth healthy and reduce the risk of these problems.

Chronic skin diseases

Taking care of body hygiene and using products that are suitable for your skin type can help prevent some chronic skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. Moisturizing your skin well and avoiding excessive exposure to irritating factors can help keep your skin healthy.

Mistakes you should stop immediately!

There are some mistakes that we practice daily automatically without realizing the extent of their danger and their negative impact on health. It is important to know the correct methods of personal hygiene and avoid these mistakes:

Using the same personal products for a long time

Some people make the mistake of using the same personal products such as toothbrushes or shower loofahs for a long time.

However, these products should be replaced regularly, as they have lost their effectiveness and contain bacteria and fungi. It is therefore recommended to replace your toothbrush every 3 months and shower loofah regularly.

Not cleaning towels and sheets regularly

Continuous use of towels and sheets without regular cleaning is a common mistake. Towels and sheets are contaminated with bacteria and germs due to frequent use. Therefore, towels and sheets should be washed regularly and dried thoroughly to prevent the growth of bacteria and bad smells.

Not changing underwear daily

Some people make the mistake of not changing underwear daily, which leads to the accumulation of bacteria and bad smells.

Underwear should be changed daily and choose clothes made of cotton fabrics that allow the body to ventilate and absorb moisture.

Not caring for nail hygiene

Nails are an important part of personal hygiene, but some people may neglect to clean them properly.

However, nails should be cleaned regularly and trimmed regularly to prevent the accumulation of dirt and bacteria underneath them. It is also recommended to dry the nails thoroughly after washing your hands to prevent the growth of fungi.

Using perfume excessively

Some people think that using perfume in large quantities will make them look cleaner and more attractive. But the opposite happens!

Using perfume excessively can be annoying to others and cause allergies for some. Therefore, perfume should be used with caution, adhering to the appropriate amount, and avoiding using it in enclosed spaces.

By avoiding these mistakes, we can help keep ourselves clean and healthy.



It is clear that maintaining a clean body is achieved through the use of hygiene and personal care products, which play a crucial role in preventing many diseases and health risks. Therefore, it is essential to follow healthy habits to maintain the cleanliness of our bodies and prevent potential diseases.

In conclusion, it is important to avoid the potential risks associated with poor personal hygiene. Therefore, you should monitor your body and keep it clean, and use hygiene and personal care products well to help prevent many diseases and potential health risks.